Looking for a tasty and easy dish for tonight’s meal? Have no fear, brussels sprouts are here. Now, I know what you’re thinking and it’s probably along the lines of, “Did she just use the word tasty when describing brussels sprouts?” As a matter of fact, I did.
Brussels sprouts, when prepared right, can be an awesome addition to any meal, or even as a meal itself. Personally, I like to keep things simple when making these these little green gems. I am no cook by any means, no seriously I even burn toast on the daily, so the less complicated the better. All you’ll need is one bag of organic brussels sprouts (you can find these at Walmart), extra virgin olive oil, garlic powder, and fresh limes.
Let’s get started!
-Take one bag of organic brussels sprouts and rinse thoroughly under warm water
-Slice all sprouts in half vertically and toss out any shabby looking ones
-Coat your cast iron skillet with the olive oil and begin heating it to around 270 degrees
-Place sprouts flat side down on the skillet and let sit for about 7 minutes
-Take your rubber spatula and begin flipping over each halve so the opposite side is now cooking
-Once both sides appear to be fairly cooked, stir around the entire skillet of sprouts, making sure you didn’t miss any. It also gives the sprouts an extra coating of olive oil for flavor
-Remove sprouts from skillet and place on a large dish
-Take a half teaspoon of garlic powder and sprinkle over sprouts. You can add as much or as little as you would like, depending on taste preference
-Cut one lime in half and squeeze over the sprouts
-Give the vegetables a little toss with your hands and voila, you have some beautiful brussels!
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